Borussia Dortmund's supporterclubs around the world
Click one time on the map to enable moving and zooming in / out.
This map shows supporterclubs, pubs and other locations linked to Borussia Dortmund around the world.
To add, change or remove a fanclub or pub, please use the forms below
To use groups (hide and show functionality), click on the "MapHub" icon in the lower right corner of the map.
No Fanclub on the map where you are? **Maybe you can create your own Fanclub**. All Fanclubs usually start small.
Create a Webpage or Facebook page / group, try to get other BVB fans together in your area. Submit your Fanclub name
to us and we add it to the map.
Is your Fanclub a bit bigger (10+ members) and existed for a while (1+ year(s)) and you want to **become an official Fanclub**
of Borussia Dortmund? Get in contact with Borussia Dortmund via: [email protected]_. Here they can guide you through the
process of becoming an offical Fanclub.
DISCLAIMER: This map is a fan-made project and not directly affiliated with Borussia Dortmund. All information found on the pins/icons on this map have either been found by using google or been provided by other BVB Supporters around the world. The intend of the map is to connect BVB Supporters around the world. There is no other additional information stored as shown on the map and the pins/icons itself. If you find something that you wish to remove, please contact us.
To add, change or remove a fanclub or pub, please use the forms below
To use groups (hide and show functionality), click on the "MapHub" icon in the lower right corner of the map.
No Fanclub on the map where you are? **Maybe you can create your own Fanclub**. All Fanclubs usually start small.
Create a Webpage or Facebook page / group, try to get other BVB fans together in your area. Submit your Fanclub name
to us and we add it to the map.
Is your Fanclub a bit bigger (10+ members) and existed for a while (1+ year(s)) and you want to **become an official Fanclub**
of Borussia Dortmund? Get in contact with Borussia Dortmund via: [email protected]_. Here they can guide you through the
process of becoming an offical Fanclub.
DISCLAIMER: This map is a fan-made project and not directly affiliated with Borussia Dortmund. All information found on the pins/icons on this map have either been found by using google or been provided by other BVB Supporters around the world. The intend of the map is to connect BVB Supporters around the world. There is no other additional information stored as shown on the map and the pins/icons itself. If you find something that you wish to remove, please contact us.